District Elder Steve Saucer
Assistant Conference Chairman
Elder Steve Saucer was born and raised in Dayton, Ohio. He attended Patterson Co-op High School and was a graduate of Colonel White High School. He was forced to overcome many challenges growing up in the inner city, but thanks to God’s unseen protection coupled with Elder Saucer’s will to succeed, he was able to endure and outlast the harshness of poverty.
After high school, Elder Saucer went on to serve his country in the United States Marine Corps. Shortly following his commitment to the United States Government, Elder Saucer was reintroduced to the matchless savior, Jesus Christ. The minister was baptized in Jesus’ name under the oversight of the honorable Bishop Paul Bowers in Zanesville, Ohio. After receiving Christ as his personal savior he submitted himself to serving as a faithful member of a single church from 1999-2015. He preached his trial sermon in July of 2004 and was ordained an Elder in August of 2010. As a result of his faithful and unwavering commitment to God, the Lord has used him mightily in various areas of ministry. Elder Saucer served the church honorably in every capacity from usher to youth minister and as an Assistant Pastor for many years.
The first Sunday of November 2015 under the leading of the Holy Spirit according to the divine will of God, Elder Saucer was unctioned to establish Restoration Church! The Spirit spoke expressly to Pastor Saucer revealing to him that he had a unique ministry of Restoration and that it would be his life’s mission to rebuild, restore and revive God’s greatest creation...PEOPLE! Restoration Church experienced supernatural growth and favor. Growing a membership of more than 50 members in less than three months, and more than 100 in less than eight months. Restoration Church has experienced divine healing, detailed prophecy, holistic revival and so much more, all by the hand of God through the ministry of Pastor and First Lady Saucer!
Restoration Church of Jesus Christ is a proud P.C.A.F. (Pentecostal Churches of the Apostolic Faith) congregation. Pastor Saucer (and all subsequent ministries) is subject and submitted to the oversight and authority of his pastor and spiritual father the Honorable Bishop Lambert W. Gates, Sr.
Pastor Saucer has ministered both nationally and internationally as an anointed evangelist. The Evangelist made a name for himself because of his selfless mentality and the supernatural signs and wonders that followed his ministry! He has ministered in prisons, nursing homes, street corners, boardrooms and many churches. Pastor Saucer has effectively crossed denominational, cultural and traditional barriers. Many have been saved, delivered, baptized in Jesus’ name and filled with the precious gift of the Holy Ghost!
Aside from the spiritual servitude the Pastor exemplifies, he is arguably most known for his tireless efforts outside of the walls of the church. Pastor Saucer is very community driven and has impacted the lives of people beyond explanation, some whom he may never get to meet. Pastor proudly serves as the Co-Chair on the Faith Based Advisory Committee for the Gem City Market. The Pastor is the visionary of an organic grow program that will feed and sustain countless Daytonians. He is the founder of Restore Life People Development Group, a 501c3 organization with the mission to “Restore Life to the Community by Developing the People in it.” Pastor Saucer is affectionately referred to as “The People’s Pastor.”
Pastor Steve Saucer is the husband to Lawrensa Saucer, the father of three beautiful daughters and one handsome son. The minister is also the founder of Steve Saucer Ministries, where the mission is: Minister To The Needs of People! St. John 3:17 declares, “For God sent not His son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved”! This verse embodies the spirit in which the pastor approaches his commission.
Pastor Steve Saucer’s heart’s desire is to win lost souls and strengthen the body of Christ through the preaching of the true and uncompromised Word of God!